Mahdi Nasereddin is an associate professor of information sciences and technology at Penn State Berks. He received his bachelor of science, master of science, and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Central Florida. His current research interest is in the application of artificial intelligence, simulation metamodeling, simulation optimization and experimental design.
Konak, A., Kulturel-Konak, S., Nasereddin, M., Bartolacci, MR. “Impact of Collaborative Work on Technology Acceptance: A Case Study from Virtual Computing,” Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, Volume 16, 2017, pages 15 - 29.
Konak A., Kulturel-Konak, S. Bartolacci, M.R, Nasereddin, M., “Impact of Collaborative Learning on Student Perception of Virtual Computer Laboratories”, Frontiers in Education, 2016.
Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, University of Central Florida
M.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Central Florida
B.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Central Florida